Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Chilean Miners are Finally Rescued

On August 5, 2010, there was a mine accident at the San Jose Mine in Chile where thirty-three miners were trapped half a mile in the ground, underneath tons of rocks and other debris. On October 12, with the help of rescuers and the Chilean government, one of the thirty-three miners had finally emerged, sixty-nine days later, from the underground chamber he had been living in for the past two months.  Rescuers are currently retrieving the remaining workers, slowly but surely, while the families are eagerly waiting to see their loved ones.  It is estimated to take roughly one hour to transport each miner above ground.  The families do not care how long it takes to rescue their husbands, brothers and sons, as long as everyone is returned safely to them.


  1. Rosalita, esta es muy peligroso.

  2. Muy Bien! yo estoy muy alegre que ellos son seguos!

  3. Rosalita, su articulo es muy muy interesante. La accidente es horrible y peligroso. Buen trabajo.

  4. Hola Rosalita!
    muy bien trabjo, es muy interasante <3
